Invincible Season 3 Gets Very Exciting Release Updates!

Invincible season 3 has already become one of the highly anticipated project for next couple of years, and to be honest – we all knows why. Set in a world where heroes can sometimes becomes the new villains, Invincible is a kind of show which is not for everyone – especially for those who reserves a kind heart. If you are following this saga then you already knows about it’s brutal and toxic fights right?

It was the strike of SAG-AFTRA due to which Invincible season 2 got divided into two separate parts. With it’s first half releasing back in 2023, the show has recently wrapped up it’s second season in April 2024. Now a very obvious question arise – what the future holds for our Mark and gang? It seems like Amazon Prime is not going to make us wait for long because these new updates are enough to excite anyone or everyone. So hold your emotions and let’s take a look on some of the most latest and trending updates about Invincible season 3!

Invincible Season 3 Has Already Wrapped Half Of It’s Work!

Invincible season 3
Amazon Prime Studios

Yes it’s true! I am not even joking. Invincible Season 3 has already begun it’s work and not only this, the show has finished some of the most important phases of production as well. It has been officially confirmed that Invincible Season 3 has already finished it’s voice work. It involves all those hectic tasks of casting and voice acting performances which usually takes a month or two.

While it doesn’t means that everything is finished. The company is still left with animation, VFX, cuts, retakes and other similar stuffs which are usually time consuming and with full of headache. Still this update is like a light of hope that maybe this time, Amazon Prime will bring us this saga sooner. It should be noted that some previous reports were claiming that the original voice work was finished months ago, and it is just the fact that they are announcing it – nothing more, nothing less.

Even if they’ve wrapped up the voice work months ago then this update becomes even more impactful as it’d mean that they should’ve already begun the real work or production and animation. Unlike any other Hollywood project, animated movies and shows takes time – but now that we’ve some of the most advance technologies, it should get finished within next twelve to fourteen months.

When Could You Expect Invincible Season 3?

Invincible season 3 release date
image via Amazon Prime Studios

No need to take any kind of worries because Invincible Season 3 is just around the corner. Like I’ve mentioned above, the show is now under production that may touch it’s scale of ‘wrapping-up’ within next twelve to fourteen months. Well, Invincible comic artist Ryan Ottey has officially revealed that it will be “just one” year before fans get more of Mark and his brutal actions. In one of his comment sections on Instagram, the artist has answered to a question which was as follows:

Comment: “Now it’s 2 more years to watch the continuation of the animated series

Ottley’s Reply: “Just one!

This is not the first time when any official member of this saga is teasing something related tot he future of this great saga. Before Ryan, series’ creator Rober Kirkman has also revealed to Variety that their goal is to premiere one season every year, which should be enough to fill-up the fans like you and I with full of hype and excitement. When this popular Hollywood news outlet askes, “is there hope to have a new season every year? Kirkman replied:

That is the goal. The realities of animation may make that a little difficult, but what I can guarantee is that the gap between Season 1 and 2 is the longest gap we should ever have, you know, barring some unforeseen catastrophe. It may be every 18 months or 16 months or 13 months or every 12 months. We’re still trying to figure that out.

While we have to wait a bit more to hear more about the future of this brutal universe, it seems like both the creators and the company is very much dedicated to keep their promise. If everything goes well and they stays consistent then I am pretty sure that Invincible Season 3 will definitely release sometime between April and October 2025. Well, I will be keeping my eagle eye on the status of this highly popular comic series.

Invincible season 1 and 2 are currently available to stream on Amazon Prime Video. Also stick around the corner with TVPrism as we brings you our deep analysis, reviews, explanations and exclusive updates related to everything TV. Till then – stay safe, peace out!

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