Fallout Season 2 Is Reportedly To Begin Filming In Toronto!

Let’s talk about Fallout season 2, because that’s where the fun begins. Set in a world of post apocalypse, Fallout TV show is a mind boggling sensation of the internet. This one of it’s kind saga is known for garnering a dedicated fanbase over past 10 years and no wonder if it’s live-action adaptation is dominating over other TV shows and projects. The first reactions were enough to speak about it’s potential and as soon as it dropped on Amazon Prime Video services, it got received by fans in a very perfect manner.

Like always, season 1 ends and then comes a very specific and unique questions – Is season 2 happening? Can we get a chance to watch our Lucy and gang again? If yes then when? Well, I can feel you. I personally was enjoying this show when suddenly my screen turned dark and I left speechless – but hey! I’ve got a huge update for you. In fact, It’d be no surprise if I says that Fallout season 2 is already down the line. Let’s grab your ‘Pip-Boys’ and follow me as I covers everything about Fallout season 2 which has been revealed so far!

Fallout Season 2 Will Exclusively Begin It’s Filming This September!

Fallout season 2 updates
via Amazon Prime Video

While Fallout season 2 is yet to be announced, the show’s sequel season has officially received a very promising update via California tax credit. If you don’t know then let me tell you that the show’s been offered a $25 million tax credit to relocate filming from New York State to California for Season 2. It is not the first time when a show or an IP [intellectual property] is receiving such credits. It was Citadel who was collecting similar funds but the show eventually got cancelled and the funds were invested in other similar tasks.

As per the official report, The California Film Commission issues tax credits for film or TV show’s production companies in order to prevent them from unwanted “runaway production,” while also attracting them to begin their filming over there – rather then in any other state.

Additionally, Variety has reported that Fallout Season 2 will begin filming in September in Toronto. You should also note that neither Amazon Prime nor any other cast member or officials has spoken a single word on filming status – but Variety always gives some of the most solid and precise updates, so something is definitely cooking inside the company.

We should also take a look on their number games. Usually, streaming companies takes such statistics with at-most sincerity and why not. After all that’s the main source of revenue right? Luckily, the first season is garnering a huge response from all across the globe and I would not be surprised if it officially takes control of that tag of “number 1 show” in upcoming weeks. So I personally can say on the basis of my experience that Amazon Prime will renew this show in next couple of weeks itself. I mean, why would they leave a chance which can eventually help them in grabbing a very definitive profit?

Despite these reports, you should also notice the ending of first season, which at some extent is itself enough to develop more. Even the executives have teased that the plan is to bring more. Well, all we can do is to just hope for Fallout season 2 and let them take their time.

Fallout season 1 is currently streaming on Amazon Prime and more importantly, “all episodes are available to watch in one go!” So make sure to renew your subscriptions [if not already] and spend some quality time while enjoying this epic cinematic masterpiece. Also stick around the corner with TVPrism as we brings you some of the most authentic, trending, original and engaging content related to everything TV. Till then – stay safe, peace out!

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