What’s After Station 19 Season 7? Popular TV Series Getting Cancelled After Last Season!

Sometimes, we just don’t want to believe on some updates, not because they are too bitter – but they are just too ‘heart-shattering‘. Station 19 season 7 is indeed premiering on ABC Network, but it also brings us all those memories that we’ve made while growing up with this beautiful universe.

The show is reuniting viewers with the firefighters of the titular Seattle fire station for its final episodes — including surpassing the show’s landmark 100th episode. Being a spin-off from the highly popular and successful Grey’s Anatomy, Station 19 season 7 is focused to bring us a perfect conclusion to mark the end of this ‘one-of-it’s-kind‘ universe (BUT fans are NOT HAPPY!)

We are getting many well-known and old faces who are reprising their respective characters, coupled up with some new entries with the name of Jaina Lee Ortiz and Andy Herrera. While Jaina is playing the newly-promoted captain Andy Herrera, Jason can be seen as the fan-favorite doctor-turned-firefighter Benjamin Warren. Well, we have something else to talk about – and it is really heart-shattering!

Station 19 Season 7 Will Wrap Up The Original Story, Unfortunately!

Station 19 Season 7
image via Station 19 season 7

Yes, it’s true. Despite the immense growth and domination over the years, Station 19 season 7 will mark the end of this loving journey. In an interview with TVLine, showrunners Zoanne Clack and Peter Paige has officially confirmed the ending of this [now] 7 seasons old saga. While I was way too excited to stream it, this new has landed like a BOMB for me and for many.

Not only the showrunners, but ABC itself has announced that the next 10 episodes are going to be the last one. We have just barely entered into the world of Station 19 Season 7 and this news is already enough to break us right? Clack says, “We are also delighted and horrified to be doing this QnA – and deeply, deeply sad.” Their feelings were visible when they were giving this interview and I would suggest you to just take a look at it.

The duo also tackles up with the mystery of 10 episodes abd how they are managing to wrap up this memorable universe with handful of episodes. Paige says, “We definitely had some story ideas that we had to let go of Like, there wad a really complex storyline that we’d never done on the show. We had to say, “OK, well, that’s going ti be a Season Never Story.

The real surprise lands when Clack reveals about his plans for another season, which is now scrapped. He reveals that the duo already had some discussions and they were all set to develop season 8 — however, Now they are “squishing” it into two episodes. The quote reads:

“Yeah, there were a lot of things that we were thinking would be leading into Season 8. It was like, ” OK, either we don’t tell that story or we squish it way down and tell it in two episodes instead of as a seasons long arc.”

#SaveStation19 Is Now Trending On Internet!

Station 19 season 7 poster
Station 19 Season 7

Now unfortunately, neither you nor I can do anything in this matter except ‘wait-and-watch’. Station 19 season 7 is now ending this decade-long-saga and will eventually give us a wound which can never be healed by anything. But we are the fans, and we knows how to express ourselves No?

As soon as the interview and confirmation dropped online — fans started rushing into their favorite social media apps in order to share their emotions and point of views. Thanks to Elon Musk that X/Twitter has now become the best source for expressing ourselves without worrying about anything, aka the ‘free-speech’ of X is just phenomenal.

While some users are claiming it as the faith of this show, many are opposing the idea of ending it. It should be noted that Station 19 season 7 has already delivered us a huge development with the intro of first baby of Carina and Maya. It shows that the creators indeed have a lot to offer to their fans, but I am feeling like it is ABC Network who wants to close this chapter of Grey’s Anatomy universe.

via X/Twitter

One user wrote, “On what I would do for a new Stephanielle live. I never want to see the day these two [Carina and Maya] are no longer costars and TV wives,” while other posted, “Do you ever get tired of reading fics of the same characters falling in love with each other over and over again? Me [tagging himself] — Absolutely not… I’ll never get tired of reading Maya and Carina.

Now we are moving forward to watch the end of this story — however, Grey’s Anatomy itself is renewed for season 20 which sounds ‘kinda’ funny and sarcastic to me. Station 19 Season 7 is currently streaming on Hulu, so don’t forget to check out the stories of our beloved characters for one final time.

You can also keep an eye on TVPrism as we delivers some of the most engaging and original content from our very own POV’s. You’ll get everything TV. Till then — stay safe, peace out!

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