‘Deadpool And Wolverine’ Star Ryan Reynolds Was Sued By Taylor Swift For Cats [Exclusive!]

Yes, I am not joking. Deadpool And Wolverine will hit theatres on July 26, 2024 worldwide – but there’s something that happened with our Wade aka Ryan Reynolds which is known by none of us!

Ryan Reynolds has reportedly shared something in his official interview where we can hear him talking about the time when Taylor Swift – yes, his best friend, sued her for what? The Cats. It’s not a new thing to be very honest. We all knows how much Taylor loves her cats and she never leaves a chance to show them off to the world. In fact, she is so possessive about them that made her sue Ryan on using something whose rights were reserved by herself only.

Ryan Reynolds Was At Fault!

Deadpool and Wolverine star Ryan Reynolds was sued by Taylor Swift
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The incident is from the hit sequel of 2018, Deadpool 2, where we can spot a particular scene with a very interesting detail. In the sequence, Wade Wilson can be seen wearing a shirt with the picture of Taylor’s two cats, Olivia and Meredith.

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM’s Town Hall, Ryan Reynolds was promoting his upcoming blockbuster ‘Deadpool and Wolverine,’ where he revealed how ‘he lost almost everything‘ in the process of getting relief from that particular lawsuiit. “I was sued. I lost everything in that one. And getting sued by a friend is tough to swallow,” Ryan mentioned.

He later adds, “Also, she has just a lot of very, very powerful lawyers. I found out later those are just the paralegals.”

Although, almost all of us knows how close to Taylor Swift, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively really are – but I am also facing challenges in accepting the fact that our Swift has done something which can even end her relationships with them for ever as well.

When asked about doing something similar in the near future again, Ryan said, “But… I would never do such a thing again.”

Notably, the trio has remained same and nothing has changed in their relationships. Recently, Ryan Reynolds even shared a pic – revealing an easter egg similar to Taylor’s song where she can be seen standing, showing her back at the camera. In fact, some wild rumors are even suggesting the appearance of Taylor Swift in upcoming project ‘Deadpool and Wolverine,’ which is definitiely going to be a major success for Ryan without a doubt.

Stay tuned to TVPrism where we drops some of the most exclusive, exciting, original and well-written content related to everything TV. Till than – stay safe, peace out!

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