Leonardo DiCapiro’s Ex-Girlfriend, Kat Torres Kept Girls As Slaves For Sex Work, Sentenced For Prison

Kat Torres, who once, was rumored to be dating Leonardo DiCaprio has been sentenced to spend her next eight years in prison for keeping her female followers as slaves for the purpose of “male-beneficial” and explicit works.

The Brazilian Instagram model garnered attention when she was seen, attending events, with some of the biggest names of Hollywood such as Leonardo. BBC has reported that FBI identified two women who are missing since 2022 – the time when they were last seen with Kat. It should be noted that this model is also popular for showing-off her ‘so-called’ spiritual powers.

Kat Torres & Her Dark Sins

Kat Torres
Kat Torres

In an exclusive interview with BBC, some women-survivors have reported about the dark acts and sins of Kat. One said, “She was on the cover of magazines. She was seen with famous people such as Leonardo DiCaprio. Everything I saw seemed credible.” Just in case if you don’t know then Kat Torres can be seen in multiple reputed Brazilian TV shows.

One of her former flat-mates have told BBC that her Hollywood friends had introduced her to a hallucinogenic drug called ayahuasca. It was this thing that made her to re-program her mindset and come out as a new life-coach. On her official site, you can spend $150 for one-on-one session where she gives you a guarantee to solve “any of your problems.”

While these things looks normal nowadays, what’s dark is her reality and all those sins that she was committing behind the closed doors.

Forced Prostitution Of Females

Back in 2019, she hired one of her female follower named Ana for taking care of laundary, cooking and similar household activities. Ana revealed that the reality was totally different. She was forced to sleep on a sofa covered in cat urine. In fact, she was never paid the amount that was fixed.

Not only this, when Ana managed to escape this mess – Kat Torres bought another two women (now missing) – Desirre and Leticia – who moved with her to a house in Texas. Both of them have now accused Kat for forced prostitution and similar stripping activities.

In their official comment, one mentioned, “I was pressured into working at a local strip club while she [Kat] performed “witchcraft” on me.” Sadly, both of these girls were assigned a fixed amount of money as a target to earn every night. If failed – then not allowed to return, which made them to sleep even on streets.

Right now, over 20 women have come forward with stories of being scammed or exploited by Torres. They are still undergoing psychiatric therapy to recover from what they say they experienced. Meanwhile, FBI has reported some missing girls as well.

Stay tuned to TVPrism where we brings you some of the most exciting, exclusive and hot-trending articles on everything TV and controversies. Till then – stay safe, peace out!

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